Thursday, July 4, 2013

Lazy? There's an app for that!

On May 23, I finally entered the world of smart phones. My daughter and I both purchased the Samsung Galaxy s4. I have a love/hate relationship with my phone. On the one hand, I really like being able to access anything I want. On the other hand, my phone always has access to me! It is always dinging and buzzing to let me know of notifications: phone calls, emails, texts, Facebook activity, my turn at Words With name it.

But the smart phone thing is really pretty cool. Not only can I check my email and Facebook accounts and browse the Internet, but there is an app for just about anything you can imagine. I can read books from the library, play games, look up words in the dictionary, scan QR codes, read my bible, make shopping lists, get recipes, and look at the stars. But one of my favorite, most useful apps is my flashlight.
But where is all this dependency on modern technology heading? True story: I told my manager, Nicole, about the flashlight app. One night as she was lying in bed, she dropped her glasses. She couldn't find them. All she would have had to do is to sit up and turn on the light. But she decided to install the flashlight app on her phone instead. She found her glasses and was not inconvenienced by the old fashioned method of actually using her electric light.

While I find this story wildly has to wonder what other sorts of apps will be available in the future to help us along in our endeavor for the search of ease and convenience. I have to admit, smart phones are great little one stop devices. But we must be careful not to become too overly dependent on anything man creates. After all, batteries go dead and phones are lost. Take, for instance, my friend Shea. She was talking to her boyfriend on the phone one day and was freaking out because she couldn't find her cell phone....I'll just let that sink in a little bit.

So, Dear Reader, what's your favorite thing about smart phones? Leave a comment...I would love to hear from you.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

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